Many of you have seen the infamous “Geography of Hate” map
that plots out hateful tweets on an interactive Google map of the United
States. The data was provided by California’s Humboldt State University whose
team of undergraduate researchers combed through 150,000“hateful” Twitter rants
posted over an eleven month period. Each tweet was manually screened for
context to eliminate false positives and the keywords were broadly categorized
as homophobic, racist, or prejudice against those with a disability. The map
then weighted the total volume of tweets from that county in relation to the
number of contextually hateful tweets and created a heat-map.
Anti-Cripple Tweets |
Of course, only users who allow geotagging of their posts
could be sampled and that currently is less than 1% of all registered Tweeters.
The other issue is that one could author racist tweets without using any of the
keywords sought by the researchers. Shortcomings aside, here is what I found
playing with the map:
1. There is a surprising amount of anger toward “cripples” along the North Dakota / Montana border.
In fact, the amount per capita hatred toward disabled
individuals far eclipsed any other area in the United States. The resentment is
so prominent that I would be worried that any handicapped parking spaces along
Highway 201 are simply staging areas for an ambush. It is unclear how
widespread this animosity is since there cannot be that many geotagging Twitter
users in eastern Montana. Perhaps the only person in the entire area with a
Twitter account and an iPhone happens to have a personal beef with the co-owner
of The Scooter Store or was asked to leave the Special Olympics.
2. There is a surprising amount of anger toward “niggers” in North Dakota.
While use of the often quoted racial slur occurred in
wide swaths throughout the southeast, I was again surprised by the localized
intensity in the upper mid-west. It would appear that the only thing more
dangerous that being a handicapped motorist in North Dakota is being a black handicapped motorist in North
Dakota. It is too bad that the study didn’t ascertain how North Dakota
residents felt about dwarfism or we might have scored the intolerance trifecta.
3. There is a palatable dislike of lesbianism in Virginia.
When the researchers isolated tweets negatively
utilizing the word “dyke” this commonwealth was at the top of the list. This is
even more puzzling since they barely register in the use of the other four
homophobic slurs analyzed. While I am not familiar enough with Virginians to
explain this dichotomy, I would advise any visitors to the area to avoid Indigo
Girls concerts and openly discussing season 2 of The L Word.
While the prevalence of intolerance does not surprise me, the
number of intolerant people that chose to publicly espouse their views while
divulging their geographical location does. Most people have the common decency
to dislike African-America paraplegics or Asian lesbians in the privacy of
their own home, but it is indicative of this country’s moral decline that we
now feel comfortable hash-tagging it next to our GPS coordinates. Perhaps for
their next study, the university will correlate the number of registered
Facebook users who regularly exercise with the number of Facebook users who are
unable to regularly exercise without announcing to other Facebook users that
they regularly exercise.
Is it wrong to hate twitter ?